Advanced Technology Provides Advanced Care

Dr. Onemany points at a 3D dental scan on a monitor

The cosmetic benefits of veneers and crowns come more quickly and easily thanks to CEREC. What is CEREC? It’s a state-of-the-art method of making these restorations in the office instead of at a lab, and it’s now available at Cardinal Dental Group for eligible patients. The advantages of CEREC over its traditional counterparts involve appearance, comfort and durability in addition to convenience. Here’s more about this treatment and its advantages.

CEREC Explained

Conventional restorations are made by hand at a lab based on bite impressions and X-rays taken at our office. While the results are high quality, this process requires multiple visits over days or weeks. In contrast, CEREC restorations use specialized equipment and are made at our office. Using a special camera, our dentist takes pictures of the teeth, which are sent to a computer, and then designs the restoration on the computer. The restoration design is then sent to our milling machine, which makes the desired restoration quickly and accurately. Between having photos taken and having the restorations placed, patients can relax at our office. The elimination of a long wait also lets patients avoid temporary restorations.

Machined Precision

As you might expect, restorations made by machine are very precise. This means that they can look and feel better than restorations made with the old process. The materials used for CEREC restorations, like those used to make conventional ones, are resistant to stains. However, CEREC restorations tend to be more durable in the long term. For the most natural-looking results, each restoration is tinted to match the teeth that will surround it.

Candidacy for CEREC

Thanks to the speed with which CEREC restorations are made, this option can be perfect for patients who are busy. Although most patients are candidates for these restorations, some patients may need to go the conventional route. Our dentist will perform an exam to determine if you can receive CEREC. Because these cosmetic treatments require strong teeth for stability, the presence of severe decay or gum disease may affect your eligibility.

CEREC is among the latest technology offered in dental offices. It’s not available everywhere, but you don’t have to travel to Houston for it. The ability to get CEREC at Cardinal Dental Group here in Dayton can make cosmetic dentistry even more convenient for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find out if you are a candidate for CEREC.

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