

Advances in dental technology and techniques are not just for those looking for cosmetic and restorative dental transformations. Even if you are simply looking for a dental care home, you can still benefit from the state-of-the-art instruments and you-focused care our patients enjoy every day at Cardinal Dental Group. Here, you will receive efficient care that helps you maintain your oral health by preventing future problems from gaining a stronghold on your teeth and gums. Explore the following services, and make your preventive care appointment today!

Professional Cleanings

Is there a fresher feeling in the world than the way your mouth feels after you’ve received a professional cleaning? At Cardinal Dental Group, you will receive a comfortable, efficient, and effective professional cleaning every time. Not only will this cleaning remove surface stains and make your teeth look their best, but also it will remove plaque and debris that can lead to accumulation of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. You’ll wish you could have that amazingly fresh, clean feeling every day (and we’ll give you tips that will help you keep a fresh smile between cleanings)!


Most adults have some degree of periodontal (gum) disease and don’t even know it. Gingivitis (early stage gum disease) is very common, and symptoms can be minimal at first. However, if allowed to progress, inflammation and irritation are just the start. Eventually, periodontitis can set in, resulting in receding gums and even bone loss. When periodontitis becomes advanced, its effects become more irreversible, including tooth loss and significant bone loss.

Your Cardinal Dental Group team will assess your specific gum health and will create a customized plan for you. You may only require a few professional cleanings along with some home care instructions. Or, you may need advanced treatment such as scaling and root planing – a treatment designed to clean below the gum line and to put you on a path towards regaining your health. In some cases, periodontal disease may require laser-assisted new attachment procedure, or LANAP. LANAP surgery is performed by your trained and certified dentist, Dr. Seaberg, to effectively treat the disease. Treatment for periodontal disease is vital due to proven connections between your gum health and your overall health. You will also receive extra care and instructions for maintaining your gum health. Click here to learn more about LANAP surgery.

Q: My gums bleed. Why is this?

A: Gums affected by periodontal disease become red and inflamed, often bleeding during brushing or flossing. Timely treatment can reverse these conditions. However, if these conditions are ignored, your periodontal disease can worsen, becoming a condition called periodontitis. Periodontitis is much more difficult to treat.

Periodontitis affects your gums, bone and teeth in a manner that cannot be reversed. To prevent tooth loss, you may require more extensive, specialized treatment. Dr. Seaberg is a LANAP-trained clinician and offers FDA-approved laser surgical treatment – an alternative to the traditional “cut and sew” gum surgery. If left untreated, periodontitis results in tooth loss – teeth either fall out on their own or must be extracted. If you don’t diagnose and treat periodontitis in its early stages, you may require extensive surgery to save your teeth and may put yourself at risk for other serious health problems.

Q: My gums bleed after I brush. Is this something to be concerned about?

A: It is certainly not desirable to have bleeding gums following brushing; however, the condition may or may not require attention, depending on the source of the problem. Bleeding gums can be caused by any of the following: improper, rough “scrubbing” instead of gentle, circular brushing motions; using a hard-bristled toothbrush instead of a soft one; plaque and/or tartar build-up below the gum line; or, gum sensitivity due to gingivitis or periodontal disease. If this problem persists despite correct brushing and flossing methods, or if it occurs every time you brush, contact our office to set-up an evaluation appointment.

Q: What is periodontal disease?

A: Gums affected by periodontal disease become red and inflamed, often times bleeding during brushing or flossing. If treated in a timely manner, these conditions can be reversed, preventing periodontal disease from developing. Periodontitis is much more difficult to treat.

Periodontitis affects your gums, bone, and teeth in a manner that cannot be reversed. To prevent tooth loss, you may require more extensive, specialized treatment from your general dentist or even from a periodontist. If left untreated, periodontitis results in tooth loss – your teeth either fall out on their own or must be extracted. If you don’t catch periodontitis in its early stages, you may require extensive surgery to save your teeth and may put yourself at risk for other serious health problems.

According to Caesy Dental Education, “Ailments associated with periodontal disease include respiratory disease, pneumonia, strokes, ulcers, difficult-to-control diabetes, low birth weight babies, and infective endocarditis – a dangerous infection of the heart valves. Researchers recently discovered that this chronic infection in your mouth creates an open doorway for plaque bacteria to enter the bloodstream. These bacteria (Streptococcus sangguis) may cause blood clots that can block your arteries and even trigger a heart attack.”


Is the smile you see in the mirror your dream smile? If not, what’s holding you back? Cardinal Dental Group gives you access to the most comfortable, natural-looking cosmetic dentistry available.

I can’t say enough about the care that patients receive here. I have been more than impressed. Both doctors are caring and gentle. I had a filling done today and I did not feel the shot to numb. Amazing! Highly recommend.

– Wendy Moor

NTI and Nightguards as a solution for jaw pain

Do you experience headaches on a regular basis? What about muscle pain in your neck and shoulders? You may be surprised to know that these symptoms may be related to temporomandibular joint problems, often abbreviated as “TMJ.” In addition to pain in your jaw joint, these symptoms may be a sign that you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep or that you have another chronic problem with your jaw joint. Your team at Cardinal Dental Group can create a treatment plan that helps you find relief. This plan may include the use of one of several dental appliances designed to help your jaw relax. Regardless, rest assured you will experience relief sooner than you think!

Tooth Extractions

Sometimes the best treatment pathway to get to your optimal dental health includes a tooth extraction. Rest assured that advances in dental technology and techniques have made treatments such as extractions faster and more comfortable than they used to be. At Cardinal Dental Group, you will have access to the most appropriate restorative dental treatment to restore your full, beautiful, and healthy smile. Complex and potentially difficult extractions are often referred to an oral surgeon with whom Cardinal Dental Group has an established relationship.

Q: How can losing a back tooth affect my smile?

A: Losing a back tooth will darken your overall smile, making it look smaller and more narrow. Your smile will appear to stop short, and the look will be exaggerated if your missing tooth has teeth on both sides of it. Function during chewing will be reduced, and function of many teeth can be affected by losing just one tooth. When you are missing a tooth, you compensate by chewing differently by putting pressure on different parts of your mouth. This can cause your other teeth to shift, creating gaps and spaces, and may even cause fractures that result in additional tooth loss or the need for restorations.


When your dentist removes an area of decay from your tooth, the structure of your tooth is restored with a filling material that restores pain free function of the tooth. In the past, silver-amalgam has been the most commonly used material for fillings. It is easy to shape and place and can last many years with proper care. Now, tooth-colored fillings are also available. You can find out more about tooth-colored fillings here.



NTI and Nightguards

If you suffer from excessively worn teeth, you may already know that you clench or grind your teeth in your sleep. Nighttime bruxism can also lead to migraines, jaw pain, and muscle pain in the neck and shoulders. Experience relief with a custom therapy appliance such as an NTI or a nightguard! NTIs and nightguards are two examples of comfortably-fitting devices that you can wear while you sleep. Depending on your diagnosis, your team at Cardinal Dental Group will select the right appliance for you to help your jaw relax and to keep your teeth from forcefully pressing together. You will notice less tension in your neck and facial muscles during the day and will probably experience more restful sleep.

Q: My teeth keep chipping and cracking. What causes this? What can I do about it?

A: Many people who notice chipped or cracked teeth, but don’t remember when the injury occurred, damaged their teeth while they were sleeping. Grinding or clenching your teeth during the night will cause your teeth to chip, crack, and even break. To keep you from seriously damaging your teeth, we recommend a dental appliance called a nightguard. A custom-fitted nightguard protects your teeth from grinding and clenching in your sleep. Drs. Onemany and Seaberg take great care in making sure you have a proper fit to prevent pain in your jaw joint. Do you also suffer from headaches? You may find that a side benefit of your nightguard is headache prevention. Many headaches start during the night, caused by the extreme pressure generated as you grind and clench your teeth. Ask us about having a nightguard custom created especially for you.

Root Canal

Sometimes a patient develops an issue with the deep supportive structure of a tooth – the portion of the tooth that contains the nerve as well as the “pulp.” In order to save the tooth, a root canal may be prescribed. A root canal treatment involves the removal of the pulp from within the tooth. The tooth is then filled with an inert material to maintain its structural integrity. Finally, a lifelike porcelain crown is fitted over you natural tooth structure to recomplete your smile. Due to advances in dentistry, root canals are more comfortable than ever before, so if you find you need a root canal treatment, don’t fret. Cardinal Dental Group’s gentle touch will make all the difference. Due to the complexity of some cases, we will refer you to one of our trusted specialists. Your dentist will make a referral based on best practices to obtain the best outcome for you.

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